It’s standard to start a new venture with a welcome post, so here’s this one.

Who are you, anyway?

Most relevant answers to that question can be found on the about page. Basically, I’m a graduate student in Computer Science. Like many in my position, I also teach, so some of my experience comes from that side of the fence.

Who is this site for?

I suspect my audience will fall into two main categories:

  • current, former, or aspiring STEM graduate students
  • self-taught technology learners

For the first audience, I’ll be posting about my research experience and related activities. For the second audience, I’ll try to help demystify some of the more intimidating theoretical concepts people might encounter.

What do you plan to do with this site?

For now, just post regularly! I’ll announce the posting schedule once it’s established. As for anything else, I’ll take it as it comes. In any case, I look forward to the adventure!

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